Every new year, I find myself planning and scheming for a better liturgy to my days. Because before you know it, your days become your life. And as a mom privileged enough to work from home, I get a pretty huge say in what goes on within these walls everyday. And I don’t just want the days to line up in a pretty row, as something to admire. I want them to count for something. So, while I pondered the meaning of life and enjoyed much Christmas cheer, I unplugged and took a much needed respite and retreat. Then, we got a polar vortex and then I got sick. (Don’t worry a bit. Right before I got sick, I made a few batches of homemade bagels, so all wasn’t lost.)
As it currently stands, minus a very few outings, I’ve been in my house for 3 weeks straight, and aside from the general demise of my presentation, I’ve been so productive. I think I’ve read 8 books. I’ve written probably 10,000 words. I’ve cooked dozens of meals, totally reorganized my kitchen and office, and spent a lot of time with my peeps. In other words, the forces of life have all converged to send me a New Year’s message—stay home and , do your work and do it well. (If I continue in this current streak, I’m gonna need to invest in some more professional looking pajamas.)
I’m finally settling into an important truth of being a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom—if you want to be productive at home, you must be home. And, then you have to do your work. I know it’s not rocket surgery, but do you know how many barriers there are to this simple formula? SO many.
We are restless people, seeking fulfillment in the next big thing—whether that’s an event, or a new movement in the church, the next spiritual high, a shiny new vacation, or whatever the next, new thing of the hour is. And that thing— that we thought would bring us so much purpose and meaning, never makes good on its promises. And we certainly don’t want to be left out of anything important, so, we’re off to the races, doing what we do best—finding the next new thing. And so the cycle begins again. Our frantic search for something lasting and meaningful is exhausting us and robbing us of the beautiful gifts of everyday life that we are so trained to look past.
In an attempt to fill a perceived void, we often search for “spiritual” fulfillment in the wrong places. Christ has redeemed our work and so right now, the most spiritual thing you can do is your work. Fix the guy’s car who just came into your station, study for your exams, nurse the baby, answer the phones, write the computer program, make dinner, and so on to infinity. You don’t need to search for “spiritual” work. God will redeem the everyday work you do. You are spiritual because of what Christ has done for you.
Sadly, most of us have lost the ability to just do our work and enjoy it. We’re so prone to hurrying half-heartedly through our everything we do in order to get to some sort of leisure—that we forget we are a people who are meant to find meaning in work. Our bodies need to work as much as our spirits need to work. And more importantly, the world needs the work we do. When we do our work, for the benefit of someone else and not just for selfish gain, we are living in our true vocation. And THAT, my friends, is a fulfilling way to live, no matter what your actual job is.
I think if we really valued and learned to enjoy our daily labor—remembering that Christ hides Himself in our vocation—we would see the miracle that He works, as He takes the meager offerings of our daily grind and turns them into blessing and nourishment for the world. Maybe if we could see it all as He sees it, we would do our work with a sense of purpose and honor, and pride. Perhaps we’d even be less prone to all the vices that suck us dry. Most of us seem to neither work, nor rest well. We live our lives in the murky middle, running to and fro from activity to activity or clicking to and fro from site to site, in some desperate kami kazi search for anything that means something. When in reality, the thing that means something—doing our work to serve our neighbor—is the thing we’ve so dismissed and belittled.
It’s just to earn a paycheck.
It’s just what pays the bills.
It’s just until I find something better.
We’ve done this same load of laundry a hundred times over. We’ve washed the same dishes, cooked the same meals, wrote the same sermons, doctored the same patients, and walked the same worn path for so long, that we’ve forgotten to see the miracle that happens when we give ourselves over to hard work, for the sake of someone else. This is not just your job. This is your sacred calling. This is holy ground. Lord, give us eyes to see it!
I’ve been writing out my thoughts on vocation to remind myself that this work I do everyday is blessed and ordained by God when it’s done in service of others. Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s monotonous, at times. Yes, I try everything in my power to get out of it sometimes. But, ultimately, this work is not for my benefit. It’s for the benefit of others. God has provided everything I need in Christ and the only thing left to do is meet my neighbor’s needs. My vocation is just me, doing my daily work, to serve and bless others. And in God’s economy, there are no meaningless jobs or chores—only the work of our hands, redeemed and sanctified by God, to bless those around us.
So, do your work and do it well. Don’t hurry through it. Don’t dismiss it. And most of all, don’t squander it, by wishing that is were more important or glamorous.
Which brings me to my {UN} word for the year. My friends came up with this great idea to pick a word that we want to ditch in 2014. A word that haunts us, that we want rid of for good. A word we want to {UN}do in our lives.
I love my friends and I love a good challenge, so I picked SQUANDER. I’m tired of squandering—my gifts, my days, my relationships, my joy. I’ve done it so much in my life, that it’s shameful. So, be gone with squandering in 2014!
I want to make everyday count. I want to do my work well.
What are some things we squander?
- money
- time
- resources
- talents
- gifts
- opportunities
- friendships
What about you?
Think about your {UN} word for the year and meet us back next Tuesday for a fun little link up!
Visit my friends, Myquillin, Angela, and Darlene as they share their {UN} words, and then join us next week, with your {UN}word!
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I can’t help but think of Ecclesiastes 2:24 and 3:12-13 as I read this. “A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?” Thanks for the reminder to find satisfaction in mopping my kitchen floor (again!) and the push to go do it!
My unWord will be Fear. The opposite of my word for the year which is PEACE.
Oh Edie, you are on a major roll! Thank you for your writing today and all of these past days and years! It’s amazing, just amazing how God is speaking through you. Thank you for listening to Him. I really, really needed to hear these words, this way. My unword is like Shana’s: Fear. I heard somewhere that there are 2 things that motivate an action in a human, love and fear. I want to only love and lose the fear. Peace and love to you! Kari
Your post is a reminder of the thoughts I’ve had lately. I found out last fall that I have more breast cancer to deal with, 3rd time in the past 4 years.
I want to seek His face every day, this is where He has me.Take each day as a gift to use for His will, not rushing ahead to the next what ever.And may I remember that what ever God has me doing, may it be for Him,cooking cleaning, my part time job,etc..that was my prayer this morning, that while at work I do it for His glory. I don’t want to squander any time,wasting it on anger, bitterness or jelousy. I want to make wonderful memories with my family, I have a 19 year old grandson and God blessed our family with another grandson who is just 1..what a gift..like you said, I want to make everyday count.
Thank you for this post! Last night I thanked God for giving my ailing hands the strength to make a nice dinner for my family. I had so much stew that my pot was nearly running over. And after my mom texted me that her long day of treatment at UCSF was over and they were making the two hour drive home, I was so thankful for the time in my day–that my hands could make a meal I could share. My parents were exhausted and stressed, but ate well, and I was happy knowing they could rest.
Edie, I am printing off this post (and your other recent one) as a daily reminder to do my work. I’m mindful of proverbs 14:1 too in all of this, and a motto not to put off till tomorrow what can be done today (who said that again?). God bless you and yours. xx
About a month ago my dear husband wrote down this verse and left it on the counter for me to see…”Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” Colossians 3:23. For the past 11 years I have owned a business that I hate. Without getting too long-winded about it, I will just say my dad started it for me at my request and it wasn’t something I prayed about. I just thought it would be an awesome business to get into. Well, it turned out it isn’t for me. At all. And now I’m stuck with it until I can figure out what to do. The problem is, I dislike it so much that it does well and survives despite the fact that I do the minimal to keep it running. God has blessed me tremendously even though I do not work at it with everything I have. I have zero interest in it, so I put just about zero work in to it. I “squander” every work day. I would love to figure out what my true calling is. Where it is God really wants me. And this has caused me anxiety and depression that has paralyzed me some days. Your very recent posts have been speaking to me because I feel like there is more that God wants me to be doing than hating the job/business that I’m in. That there is something out there that I am to be doing, but I just cannot figure it out. That being said, today’s post REALLY hit me. I need to do the best job no matter how I feel about it. I’m working for God, my neighbor, my employees, my family…God has me right here right now and I have to embrace that. Otherwise, I am wasting this wonderful life that God has seen fit to bless me with. The word “squander” is actually perfect for my {UN} word, but I don’t want to copy you 🙂 I’ll have to think on it. Thank you so much for investing your time, energy and knowledge in to this space. Thank you for loving us and caring so much that you are willing to make this your life’s work. You are such an encouragement and so filled with inspiration. Thank you, thank you.
My unword is shame. I’m letting go of all the shame I’ve been carrying for years. Incredible post, thanks for the reminder!!!
I think you would enjoy reading Notes from a Tilt-a-Whirl and Death by Living by N.D. Wilson. They are easy to read but have so much to say. Those books are what inspired my word for this year – GIVE. I want to give myself better in serving my “neighbor” instead of holding back for myself. I think a good UN word for me would be Unselfish.
Wonderful post! Thank you for the reminder that we serve best where we are this moment if we serve for Him!! Imagine what the world would be like if everyone worked like that – in a word, heaven!! You are so very talented with words, Edie, and what is more is that your love comes thru to encourage, inspire, and heal!!
Your three weeks inside have done you well. I just love what you have been writing!! 🙂 This “I think if we really valued and learned to enjoy our daily labor—remembering that Christ hides Himself in our vocation—we would see the miracle that He works, as He takes the meager offerings of our daily grind and turns them into blessing and nourishment for the world.” really resonated with me!! Love your “un”word. Hmmm, it could be mine. 😉
I sent several friends to your blog today. I hope they find encouragement in knowing their “mundane” work is sacred
I am sorry about the polar vortex and I’m sorry about your illness, but I’m grateful for the writing that came out of it. I’ve needed every word!
You are building a better “YOU” which is God’s desire for all of us to do.
Work as unto the Lord!
“You are spiritual because of what Christ has done for you.” Thank you for that wonderful reminder. These are such good words in your post today; I am going to bookmark this and read again several times. I, too, am embarking on a writing life at home, and I so appreciate the wisdom you are sharing.
I give this a hearty amen. So much good right here Edie. THANK YOU. Thank you for doing your work unto the Lord and encouraging us to do the same. Last year I felt the nudge from God that I needed to start either using my blog for Him or I needed to stop blogging. So I wrote a series on serving my husband which has opened even more doors to God using me and the message He has given me as a woman and wife. Before it was just work. But in Him it can be so much more and I am living the blessing and sense of purpose that comes with it. On another note, thank you for continuing to speak truth. I have been discouraged lately with the popular trend online of twisting and making God’s word applicable to today’s culture. To quote you, “Theology Matters.” Thank you.
This is my ultimate favorite blog post thus far this year and I’ve LOVED many. Bookmarked it and will revisit it often.
Spot on PERFECT!
Edie, I have a serious problem. I want to quote from this post and link to it from Facebook…..but I canNOT decide which sentences to quote from because it is ALL SO GOOD. I am a {tired} mom of two and I needed this encouragement today more than you could possibly know! Stay in those pajamas and keep on writing!
P.S. I think I finally figured out what to quote but GOSH was it hard. 😉 Sending friends your way soon!
This is A great post. I’m in michigan and am feeling the same way. It’s like I’ve found my stride with this whole sahm thing! And like you it’s because I’ve been home a ton and loving it. My twins are in first grade and I have a 3 year old home with me so it’s a great time for me to be reminded of these truths. There is so much modeling and training to be done and I am the one called to do it. It’s not complicated! Thanks.
Dear Edie,
WOW!!! Your post today has finally defined clearly what I have been trying to understand. I lost my precious husband at the beginning of last year so 2013 was a year of many firsts in my life. I felt such a loss of belonging and closeness in my life after forty-two wonderful years of marriage. As I have tried to embrace this new year and make each day count and seek God’s will I too need to choose SQUANDER as my UN word for this year. Oh how I long for this to be a year in which my days are filled with all the things you mentioned; using my gifts, days, joys, relationships, and blessings to serve God and others. I have been given so very much; I want to give back. I do not want to SQUANDER my days, my moments. None of us know how many moments or days that lie ahead for us. May we be found faithful to use them to bless others and bring glory to out precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Once again you are writing about what I am struggling with and overcoming in life. I don’t know if you follow memoriesoncloverlane. com, but she recently wrote a post about simpler times that I enjoyed. This is not exactly what her post was about but where my thoughts took me- When people were busy just working to survive, they didn’t have time to think, ” Am I fulfilled by what I am doing?” I consider myself a giving person who thinks of others, but I have had to shift my thinking to remember that whatever acts of service I do are for the glory of God, and not to make myself feel good. When I changed my way of thinking I began to experience more and more of the joy and peace I had been searching for. Now they are becoming my norm, rather than something I catch a glimpse of every now and again. I have also had to shift my thinking about who my neighbor is and the importance of what I am doing (staying home). Enjoyed your posts on those too. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Squander is such a good, good unword! As always, Edie, you speak wisdom. Thank you!
And, your bagels look delish!
PREACH IT, sister!!! Wow! I am going to print this post and plaster it on my fridge, or the window above my kitchen sink, or in the laundry room because I NEED THIS MESSAGE!! Every word of it. Thank you for writing this exhortation.
I do *squander* my time clicking from site to site looking to fill my life with beauty and meaning, and wishing my life and my talents and my home looked more like so-and-so’s, instead of living out the beauty and meaning given to me in the not-so-glamorous work of trying to manage the household and parenting my children. Oh, how meager and paltry my offerings feel, how tinged with incompleteness and failure, how lacking and faltering, even when I do work hard. I get discouraged or wish I were better at this work or get tempted to think that life lies ahead, out of reach, just about every day. I do try to escape it, I do try to dismiss it or hurry through it to get to something more enjoyable. I do live in the murky middle. You nailed it!
I take heart from your words. Thank you for speaking them! I am so thankful that you did! It all resonated, perfectly.
Greetings, I drifted over to your blog some kind of way where I saw this post. I see I am the only man who has posted, so I am going out on a limb here. The part about keeping the Lord’s work in your vocation is something that certainly needs to be taken to heart. Being a criminal investigator, I try to keep that in mind and always feel Him at work, especially when someone comes back years later and tells me the positive changes that occurred after something, which at the time it seemed like they may never overcome.
Anyway, this reminded me of an old story I had heard before and thought I would share about men laying bricks:
A man came upon a construction site where three men were laying bricks. He asked the first one, “What are you doing?” and the man replied: “I am laying bricks.” He asked the second one, “What are you doing?” and the man replied: “I am building a wall.” As he approached the third, he heard him humming a tune as he worked, and asked, “What are you doing?” The man stood, looked up at the sky, and smiled, “I am building a cathedral, so people can come and worship God”
Love this old story. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, Edie –
I have so loved your posts on vocation. Thank you for putting into words what I never could. I too have been a bit of a recluse since the first of the year, trying to seek God and purpose and plans! My Pastor talked a about making our tme valuable and hitting the mark, this year. I so desire to do that. You are right that it comes in the everyday tasks of living on purpose, with all our heart, and God will bless it. My prayer has been that God show me what to do with these hands and to bless the works of them. I have found such encouragement in your words. I am so glad that I am not alone!
Beautifully written.
I needed to hear this…
Thank you,
Edie, Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement! I love reading your blog…it makes such a difference knowing you know and serve The Lord… Your words have the kind of substance that blesses others and have eternal value. I am at home with my first child (6 months) and so appreciate you sharing truth and that this work matters!
Hi Edie, I loved your message yesterday on choosing an “UN-word” but I need help. I did not realize when I posted a reply that I also indicated that I wanted to be notified of all replies by email. How do I inscribe to this service? Thanks for your help! Trudy
Edie–These are such good words. Thank you for studying so hard to bring us such dependable truth. I am thankful for your work.
What a wonderful blessing you’ve been to me since I started reading your blog a week ago. I absolutely know finding your site was purposed in that everything you’ve written in the last seven days have resonated deep within my soul. I have been both convicted and redeemed. I thank you for writing what God has been whispering in my ear for the last several years. I thank you.
Your recent posts on vocation and calling have been really speaking to me as it is something with which I have been wrestling. I know my calling. I am a preschool teacher through and through. My problem is that it isn’t the most practical choice for me in the sense that it is such a low paying, time intensive profession. I could do something else that would be more lucrative and demand less time. (Also, less fulfilling and not leveraging my personal talents.) How do I balance my calling with practical considerations of time and money? (I have a family and college funds to support too.) Thanks for your blog!
Can I get your bagel recipe? 🙂
Thank you so much for this post ~ your writing always speaks to me. I ask God every morning to help me be a blessing to others as I am so very blessed. I don’t know what my unWord will be but it certainly gives me something to consider. I like this idea!
“Because before you know it, your days become your life.” Such an insightful and impactful statement. Thank you!
How easy it is to squander our days with dreaming and wishing and what ifs. But what a blessing if we truly look at where we are as the perfect place for us now. If we embrace it and put our heart and soul into all we do, then we are a blessing to others and pleasing to God.
Thank you for another fabulous post.
Thanks for your post. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, but this post really meant something to me. I have been having a lot of trouble adjusting to having just a 15 month old toddler and full time profession as a physician, to now being on maternity leave with a 16 month old toddler and <> colicky baby (2 of 2), now 6 weeks old. I sometimes have trouble seeing the bigger picture and forget about the light at the end of the tunnel- as well as trying to enjoy this time as well as I can. If any one has suggestions, I’d love them.
What a great UNword, I definitely want to not squander my positive momentum this year. Thanks so much for hosting the party!
Ouch! Hit me where I live. I am annoyed (with God? Perhaps) that i still have the same old same old job. After investing myself in my family for over 40 years and having significant health problems for seven, I pine to do something “more glamorous or important” squandering the days away in regret/daydreaming/ungratefulness. Powerful message…
I worked for 32 years in healthcare, 27 as a RN. One night, a psychotic patient took away my ability to be the ICU nurse that I was, and now I am trying to heal and regroup, to decide what I can do again. I loved my job and it was a way to serve others (and serve God). Your message spoke to me and although I am still in my own daze of medication, I will start right where I am and begin again. The small work I can do as a wife has no less meaning than it did as a nurse if I do it to the Glory of God.
Thanks Edie, I needed that! 🙂
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