i decided for sure today.
i’m gonna do it again.
{12 days of handmade christmas}
is back.
the first twelve days of november.
perfect timing for your to find some projects that are doable by Christmas.
if you’re crafty or know someone who is and would like to submit a tutorial,
send me an email or leave me a comment on this post. (examples of past tutorials below!)
i’ll pick the projects that are fairly simple and can be made in a couple of hours
and post the tutorials on my blog.
i didn’t do the 12 days last year because it was kind of a rough year.
but i’m back, baby.
i’d like to have all the tutorials sent to me by the middle of October and if we have more submissions than we have days, we’ll post them to lifeingracegirls.
{by the way, my dear friend Marie is posting to lifeingracegirls today so go give her some love and check out her blog at The (not always) Lazy W—and let me know if you’ve got a post you’d like to share with the lifeingrace community and we’ll get it posted over there!}
i’d also like to link to your favorite etsy shops so we can support moms who are creating lovely handmade goodies.
so tell me about those too. pretty please?
if you guys don’t come through for me and we only get 5 days worth of postings , i’ll resort to posting seven days videos of me singing old school country songs.
that could be devastating for us all.
i’d much rather learn how to make a dishmat, wouldn’t you?
yes you would, trust me. or ask my children.
i can’t wait to hear about all your handmade goodness!
please send your emails to ediewadsworthatmacdotcom and put ’12 days of Christmas’ as the subject or leave a comment on this post.
my hot glue gun and sewing machine thank you in advance.
here’s a sampling of the projects from 2010.
also, I’m working on a series for October hosted by my very gracious friend The Nester called ’31 Days to a Heart of Hospitality’. Last year, I posted every day in October on the rebuild of our house so this year, I’m expanding on that theme as I explore what it means to show hospitality ,why we should care, and some practical advice on turning the idea into reality. (The posting every day makes me break out into hives but maybe I can manage!) You should join too! She’s even so kind as to provide templates for making the buttons. She thinks of everything because she’s awesome like that.
Fun! I missed this series last year…I’ll email you a couple of considerations. Long time reader…newish commenter!
What fun!! I suck at getting projects done in a timely manner. May just have to see what everyone else posts and try to work them up…after the fact. lol. Would love it if you would share this at my my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. http://thededicatedhouse.blogspot.com/2012/09/make-it-pretty-monday-week-14.html Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
The wheels are turning in my brain-I want to be a part of the twelve days so badly. I’ll email you with what I want to share.
Looking forward to your 31 days. Always an inspiration to me.
Heck yeah! Count me in! Email me the details darling! xoxo, Melaine
I am so excited. I met a bunch of new bloggers that year that I still follow. Not a blogger myself, by I do love to read them.
i love you forever and ever amen.
Hey Miss Edie! I just finished making something that will be perfect for this! It’s super fast cheap and easy! Where do I email my tutorial to? I didn’t see an email link on this post. Thanks! Chavala
Hmm going to have to think on this. Would anyone like to know how to sculpt a small bust? And then gild it gold?
Yay! I’m dancing a jig! I’m so glad it’s happening again this year. I hope you DON’T get 12 days worth myself. I’d love to hear some Tammy or Loretta from you. Ha!
I would love to see a Quiet Book that is all the rage right now.
looking forward to the 12 days…sounds like fun. a recommended etsy shop: Lovethegiver. also a blog by the same name: lovethegiver.com. i am partial, i’ll admit…my daughter does both the shop and the blog. enjoy
Yay, yay, double YAY! I am sooooooooo looking forward to you bringing back the 12 Days since it is what brought me to you in the first place. I might even have a craft project or two up my sleeve to submit for your consideration……. 😉 I’m doing the 31 Days this year too and SO excited for it! I’ll be announcing the topic on Monday. Your topic, btw, couldn’t be more perfect. Thinking of you this week and sending lots of love. xoxo
Edie, your 12 Days series in 2010 was when I first met you. I will never forget how much you blessed me with your reply to my timid little suggestion that I write up my fudge recipe. You taught me how to email a post–you probably don’t remember that, but I do. And then I got to meet you in person at BlissDom in January 2011–can that really have been nearly two years ago? Gosh.
Anyway, I’m glad you’re doing the series again. I’m glad you don’t have to move this October. And I’m surely glad I met you. 🙂
Oh, I’m SO EXCITED for all of these posts! Thank you for imparting your crafty wisdom and love of hospitality to us all! 🙂
I am not a mom… but I do create lovely handmade goodies that I would love to share! 🙂 Thanks so much for asking to link our shops! http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/studio/StudioJRU
You totally rock! I was just yesterday that I was reading your blog — okay, I was getting the Mocha Cake recipe, to be honest. But anyhoo, I was thinking “I so hope Edie does her 12 Days of Handmade Christmas” this year. So, the fact that you’re doing it again is really like an early Christmas gift in itself. Yea! Thanks. And thanks for Mocha Cake… *sigh*
Hi Edie-
I would LOVE to be a contributer for the 12 Days of Christmas or on the LifeInGraceGirls website.
Can you forward me your email?
Thanks so much!
By the way I LOVE your blog-if I ever make it to your area you may find me knocking on your front door!!!
Ooo, I would LOVE to contribute to the 12 days of Christmas. I love crafting. I’d have to come up with an idea, but I have a craft sale I make stuff for in Nov., so I need to start getting some things made SOOOON!!! Just let me know if I can and I’ll email you an idea or two. 🙂