Darlene, Nester, Angela and I have teamed up to take down a few ugly words this year—words we want rid of in our lives, words we want to {UN}do. I decided to {UN}squander. The more I thought about my life’s purpose and who it is I was put on this earth to serve, I determined to make the days stand up and be counted. I want to work and to rest well, to make sleep a priority, as well as productivity. To work hard at improving my gifts, but to also leave lots of margin in my life to be available to my neighbor, when his needs are pressing. I want a heaping serving of both purpose and peace, which is exactly what we get when we work and rest within our calling. I think Tolstoy was right—
So, now it’s your turn. Tell us your word. Otherwise known as your {UN}word. And link your post to this one, or share with us Instagram, using the hashtag #unword2014.
If you don’t blog, just leave a comment with something you are hoping to {UN}do this year.
Can’t wait to hear!
It seems to me that the Un-word is just a different angle of the One Word. Instead of focusing on what you wish to lean into, your focusing on that which you wish to avoid, right?
Both sound like good practices to me.
Personally I’m focusing on my word that leads me into 2014, with the intention towards purusing “it”.
The Tolstoy quote is wonderful; thanks for sharing it here.
P.S. never post without the advantage of coffee!
*Pursuing* it!
Unword is ” let’s go….” I love going…( anywhere, anytime, near or far)husband does not! No more nagging after 50 years. This is my 50 th anniversary present to him. 🙂
How about, unanxious, or unhypochondriac!? 🙂
“Stuck” — as in, I’m moving forward! Thanks for hosting, Edie, it really helped to think through this.
Hi Edie Thanks for hosting this link up. My {un}word is {un}comparsion Rhondi xo
UN-fear. 2014 is my year to fearlessly surrender my life to God, walking by faith NOT by sight into HIS purposes and plans for me, remembering that WITH HIM ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
{UN} reactive
{Un} frozen. No longer overwhelmed and paralyzed in my tracks, unable to move forward, or even return, to a functional path.
I linked up. Ahhh, your challenge is the perfect crinoline to my word for 2014. Thanks for the invitation. It was so nice to {un}invite some guests to the dance floor of me. My dress is already poofier thanks to you. It’s time to get my groove on!
.mac 🙂
{link #33}
What a great idea, thanks so much for hosting this! Have a great week.
I am choosing to respond to the circumstances of my life rather than react to them so I am UN-REACTING this year;) Mandy
Edie~ I love the “un-word”! Mine is un-afraid. I am in the middle of reading the book “In The Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day” by Mark Batterston (hope that last night is spelled right!) His book talks about facing your fears! My Papa God has encouraged me to be “un-afraid” for 2014! My “one” word for this year is Faith! Un-afraid to have faith! Thanks Edie ;0). http://emaxgal.wordpress.com/
Tolstoy…great writer…even better devotion to his faith
This whole idea is so great…thanks for all your inspiration Edie
xo + blessings,
Anne Marie
first, i am so happy to have found your blog. i get inspired by the pretty photos, but mostly by your words. especially the recent ones about vocation and calling (i am struggling with that; after nearly thirty years in social work, i am tired …). to help with that, among other things, i just got off the phone from ordering two of the books from your recent list (discipline: the glad surrender and God at work – redesign). i appreciate your focus on God and family. thank you very, very much.
second, i like the idea of an un-word. mine would have to be “un-said”. and “un-done”, which goes right along with it. i don’t want to have any regrets about how i show my family how much i love them, how much they mean to me, how much they help me. other people, too, of course, but mostly my family. and part of that means taking more time, slowing down with the people i love most in this world, listening more and saying what’s in my heart, doing more things for them and less for me. thanks much for the encouragement to re-focus.
Similar to yours, Edie, mine is waste. I fee like I have wasted too much time on too many things that are meaningless. I want to use my time and gifts wisely. I want to be more productive in areas that matter.
Also, just wanted to tell you your blog has helped me in many ways and your writing on work and vocation have been powerful in my life. “Do your work and do it well” swirls in my head these days. Thank you!
WAVER is my {UN}Word for 2014.
I want to be more persistent in my life, my faith, my relationships and my vocation.
My word that I want to get away from is COMPLAIN, which will move me closer to JOY. Stop complaining, live in joy!
Love the Tolstoy quote, he put his Christian faith into action.
I came over from Anne Marie’s, my word is simplify so my unword would be clutter. This is a clever idea, of unwords.
I hate to be a “copy cat” but once I started thinking about your post, I couldn’t get “squander” out of my mind! So, I’m copying you. 😉 I didn’t pick a word for the year either so as I was thinking about it I decided “reclaim” would be my word. Then I read an awesome section a few minutes later about reclaiming what the devil has stolen in Jim Cymbala’s book “Fresh Faith.” 🙂 Meant to be!! 🙂
UN – Critical !! Need I say more?
But may I say everyone’s words are awesome? I will be Un-ning with all of your words too.
God Bless You wonderful ladies, especially lovely Edie. Don’t we all struggle? May our Un-ing bring all glory to our wonderful God. Amen?
{un}distracted! Thanks for the inspiration, as always.
Latin procrastinatus, past participle of procrastinare, from pro- forward + crastinus of tomorrow, from cras tomorrow
First Known Use: 1588
forward + tomorrow
How interesting- Enough said-
Edie, thank you so much for NOT procrastinating and sharing all of your writing so far this year. Thank you for being a source of inspiration. I loved the Tolstoy. Personally, the first time I read it was when you shared it from the post about rest in the 31 days of Less & More. I actually printed that one out. I loved the picture of the lake as well. I think the reason I don’t have enough margin is because I am always playing catch-up because I procrastinate! Here’s to taking action. Now.
Ironically, the post I see above me has the same word as me…un-procrastinate. The last year and a half has been a difficult one in dealing with a situation in a way I never dreamed I would be doing. The difficulty in navigating this new place has led to me procrastinating on the difficult things most related to the situation but some not. I have come to realize that I am the only one who suffers in this and the weight of responsibility has become overwhelming and suffocating at times. So, before I even heard of the un-word, I thought I would stop procrastinating on the hard things, get them done and be about living. Tolstoy’s quote sounds like bliss to me.
My word is {Un} overwhelmed. When I begin to feel overwhelmed, I struggle with handling my emotions. I might snap at my family or just try to seperate from others. I know that those are the moments I should be on my knees. So, I purpose in my heart to unlearn this word and go to my knees when it creeps it’s ugly head!
This is just exactly what I needed this year. My un-word is un-wasteful.
I love the Tolstoy quote.
Seems just like simple enough thing try out? Right? Well, not incisively. Running is a pretty simple sport demands very little in the clear way of equipment. That’s part with the beauty from it. Slap on your runners and youre off. But what happens if your shoes aren’t just right your toes? The wrong running shoes can basically do more damage than good and lead to injuries. For this reason it is vital that you understand the differences between shoe types and learn which type is meets your needs.
UN-afraid. No more fear. I have been thinking about starting my own blog for several years. I’m not listening to the voice of fear anymore. I finally did it! I am in the process of getting it ready to launch. I hope to have it ready in time to link my own un-word post! Thanks so much for being one of my inspirations.
Kim…this is my (UN) afraid word too! And I too have just started a blog (2 weeks) I have been afraid also to do this! But I know I want to be an encouragement to others through God’s word. Good luck on your blog, blessing to you through it. ;0) Beth
Thanks! Great Product and shipping
There’s certainly a great deal to know about this issue.
I like all the points you have made.
Whoa! This blog looks exactly like myy olld one!
It’s on a entirely different subject but
it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Superb choice of colors!