href=””>online cookie exchange! Link up your favorite treat with us tomorrow!
This is a recipe that I have memorized and have made countless times. It’s a family heirloom. The family jewels.
It was recently entered in a county fair by my Aunt Rosemary and won 1st place. Which makes it award-winning fudge as well.
I give it to you as a token of my love and deep gratitude for all the countless ways you’ve encouraged me these past few years.
The taste of this fudge could well be my favorite taste in the whole wide world.
This fudge recipe is my love language.
And I don’t like any other fudge at all. It has to be this one.
Well, I mean I’d eat other fudge. But no other fudge does what this fudge does to me.
If I were transformed into a confection, it would most definitely be fudge.
And just so happens, it’s pretty easy to make. You must give it a try.
Here’s what you’ll need:
2 sticks of butter
6 cups of sugar
1 can of evaporated milk
1 can of marshmallow cream
18 oz (1 1/2 packages) of chocolate chips
2 t. good vanilla
In a large dutch oven on medium heat, melt butter, sugar and evaporated milk. Heat to boiling and once it has come to a rolling boil, set a 6 minute timer. After 6 minutes, remove from heat and add the marshmallow cream and chocolate chips.
And if I happen to be making this fudge with my mother around (who we affectionately call Grannie), this is where she gets bossy. Even though I’m a grown woman who cooks all the time and who’s cooked this particular fudge a million times, when Granny’s around I’m 12 and can’t turn on the stove. Do you do this too? Start asking your mother how to do something you clearly know how to do? It’s kind of endearing,really. Back to the fudge. You have to stir it just right and we all know that only Grannie can do it just right. Just try your best. After it’s well combined, add the vanilla and continue to stir until the fudge no longer runs quickly off the spoon. It kinda collapses off the spoon. That’s when you know it’s ready. Otherwise, ask Grannie. She knows exactly when it’s ready.
You are now ready to pour the fudgy goodness onto the jelly roll pan and spread the mixture evenly around.
And this is my favorite part. Licking the bowl. Or the dutch oven. It’s the best ever.
Warm fudge from a spoon. Hide it from the children if you can. Hoard it all for yourself.
Wear your stretch pants.
Now pull yourself together long enough to slice it up. But wait about 30 minutes or so and it’ll be just right for slicin’.
And then once you eat this, it’s like we’re blood brothers.
But more like fudge sisters.
We’re for real friends now.
This chocolate bond can never be broken.
Your welcome.

Award Winning Fudge aka Grannie’s Fudge aka There’s No Other Fudge For Me
- 2 sticks of butter
- 6 cups white sugar
- 1 12 oz can evaporated milk
- 1 7 oz container marshmallow cream
- 2 t. good vanilla extract
- 18 oz of semi-sweet chocolate chips
- Grease a 10x15 jelly roll pan.
- Combine butter, sugar and evaporated milk into a dutch oven or other heavy duty (deep) pot.
- Bring to a rolling boil and boil for 6 minutes.
- Remove from heat and add marshmallow cream and chocolate chips.
- Stir until it begins to thicken and then add the vanilla.
- Stir until it no longer pours from the spoon and spead into greased pan.

ps. In case you didn’t know, this family doctor took the plunge into the world of natural health and essential oils and these oils are BLOWING MY MIND. If you want to feel better, sleep better, strengthen your immune system, reduce your stress, and clear some of the common toxins out of your life, I’d love to walk with you as you get started.
In the month of December (2016) I’m giving away a signed copy of my book along with a $10 product credit (to repay you for the cost of your shipping) to anyone who joins Young Living with me with a Premium Starter kit.
Young Living is giving away a free bottle of Christmas Spirit (my ABSOLUTE favorite Christmas scent and SO GOOD for mood!!) with every starter kit purchase. It’s a great time to join!!
Click here to read more about it!!
Thanks “fudge sister Edie”
altho I don’t really care for chocolate,
occasionally I will taste good fudge..
this recipe is heavenly..
I’ve had it before..
thanks for being so kind,
sharing graciously!!
I really wish you’d included a photo of the smile on your face!!!
warmest hugs..
Thanks for the recipe, it looks delicious, but I can’t make it, because…well, I would probably gain 10 pounds. : )
yup juat like my grandmas fudge, I don’t add the marshallows though, thank you sooooo much, I closed my eyes and remember my grandma when I eat it………. again thank you
Does the lack of marshmallow cream make the fudge harder?
I’m not sure. My Grammy had a very similar fudge recipe but it calls for 1 package of bakers semi sweet chocolate in addition to the chocolate chips. It also calls for specifically; 35 marshmallows. This recipe of my Gram’s makes the best fudge and it is a harder fudge. But a melt in your mouth hard, not rock hard! It’s much less creamy than a traditional fudge.
loui “i don’t really care for chocolate” we must pray, we must pray now!*
6 cups of sugar + marshmallow cream = i am yours, all yours
*i’m not sacrilegious scouts honor but i’m adding fudge to my belief system
the apostles creed, grannie-edie’s fudge……amen
Yumma-lumma! I’m thinking I’ll be whipping some of this up tomorrow, and I’ll be praying for a little Christmas miracle that all of the calories will magically be removed. 🙂
Wow – that looks amazing and I bet it tastes the same! Thanks for sharing… I’m off to find some stretchy pants!
fudge sisters indeed!!
& why thank you sweet edie
merry merry
Oh Yum!!! I just adore fudge and will be making this today. I actually have all the ingredients in my house! Yippee! My mom use to make fudge every year with me and we would wrap it up to give as presents to just family members. It was like gold, that fudge. I know exactly what you mean about becoming a 12 year old girl again with Mom around while making fudge as an adult. She hovers over the pot and then suddenly swoops in, grabbing the spoon, while saying, “OK now, it’s got to be at the right speed and mixed just enough times for it to turn out right, let me just show you this one time . . .” Uh huh, because I haven’t made fudge by myself before. Great memories! Thanks so much for sharing your family recipe! I can’t wait to try it!
merriest christmas ever…..
i’ve got a busy week…gotta make this fudge…
gotta make some bliss bars from hometown girl
and gotta make some salt dough cookies with my kids for their trees.
all yummy stuff.
can you tell that i like food?
I wonder if you could replace the vanilla with mint extract and have mint fudge?
fudge tastes like christmas, ya know? thanks for the recipe!
I love fudge too….. and there are so many recipes out there. And, so many of them just turn into a goopy mess! I found a really good one at All Recipes this year. I think it’s wonderful that you have an heirloom recipe~ the family jewels! I love it! Thanks!
I’m not sure about this fudge. But to me old fashion fudge isn’t creamy when you bit into it. It’s more of a dry fudge. I wish I could find a recipe to make it. Yours does look good though. I just prefer the drier fudge.
Did you find a recipe? I love a grainy fudge.
I’ve been looking for a grainy fudge recipe for years that I remember from my childhood.
Leaving out the marshmallow cream may give you the result you’re looking for.
um, er, speechless rarely happens with me… must. go. to. kitchen. now.
(thank you for sharing your family treasure)
I have always wanted to make fudge for my husband (I don’t like chocolate) so this recipe is totally motivating me to finally do it. I can’t wait to try it!
Okay… we are now fudge sisters!!! It is amazing!!! This was my first shot at making fudge ever and now know why people give out fudge at the holidays because if they are anything like me they will eat it all and end up sick! I am taking some of what I made into work tomorrow so I don’t OD! Thanks for posting the recipe!!
This post made me very, very happy. And grateful because I’ve wanted a perfect and easy fudge recipe and this one came my way as a timely gift just for clicking on a blog I love! Thank you!
So glad I found you through Fringe Girl. Or maybe I should blame her for the expected weight gain from the cookie post and now this.
Great to meet you!
Mama Belle –
Well Hello Fudge Sister!
I made this earlier today after making a few other goodies. I’m giving a tin full of cookies, bars, & now fudge to some of my business contacts. I’ve never made fudge before and I bake & cook a fair amount. Guess I was scared that it was too hard. This was awesome & so creamy – melt in your mouth goodness. When people ask me I will be very quick to tell them that this is from my home schooling mentor, BFF, & fudge sister. Thanks so much for a new staple in my recipe box & maybe curses to you – I’m going to need new clothes!
and now I want chocolate for breakfast
Thank you for the fabulous recipe! I’ve never made fudge, but yesterday the sweet lady across the street brought me a pan full and I can’t stop eating it. I know I’ll regret that next week, but it’s awesome.
Merry Christmas!
Hey Fudge Sister! I will be whipping up my own “Nanna’s Peanut Butter Fudge” this week. I myself am a fudge purist and only eat the chocolate stuff, but my sweet boyfriend loves peanut butter fudge so my Nanna insists when we do the holiday baking we make him a pan since he (in her words) “puts up with me all year”. She’s mostly right on that point!
And I totally agree with the stirring part. You just have to stir until your arm is about ready to fall off, then magically it just turns to fudge.
I will slip you the recipe for the peanut butter version in case you want to expand your fudge lovin.
I will be licking a fudge stirring spoon this week and will think of you!
My mother used to make this fudge and I would sell a pound of it for 5 dollars to everyone in the world! She was smart, she made me a sample tin to take and once people tasted it they were hooked! We did this to earn our Christmas money. I LOVE this fudge!!
Thanks for the recipe and I think I will be making some tomorrow for neighbors. Merry Christmas Fudge Sister! I can taste it now……
My mother used to make this fudge and I would sell a pound of it for 5 dollars to everyone in the world! She was smart, she made me a sample tin to take and once people tasted it they were hooked! We did this to earn our Christmas money. I LOVE this fudge!!
Thanks for the recipe and I think I will be making some tomorrow for neighbors. Merry Christmas Fudge Sister! I can taste it now……
yummy!! thanks for sharing.
is this salted butter, or non-salted?
I made it the day you posted the recipe! Delicious. Thanks for sharing such a family treasure. How generous of you!
oooooh, many thanks! I’ll be adding these ingredients to my grocery list for sure !!! yummmmmmm-O!
AMAZING!!!! Just cut mine! Delicious!
I’ve followed your blog for a li’l while now, but never commented. What part of the south are you in? I’m in Nashville!
edie, my fudge sista, i had to, HAD to, stop what i was doing, right now, at 5:49pm and tell you just how amazing this recipe is.
i know you know. you totally get it. i made it, tasted it, and instantly was transported to my grandmother’s home, in her cozy kitchen, surrounded by all my cousins, eating off her blue and white toile dishes, listening to the adults tell stories, watching her cut pan after pan of this gorgeous chocolaty delight. thank you. i enjoyed this so much for so many reasons. i wish you the merriest of christmases! from one southern gal to another. 🙂
My sweet fudge sister, we have been praying for you all week. Didn’t know what to do, so I made fudge and thought about you and prayed for you while I made it. Needless to say, we are all on a sugar high and are bouncing off the walls. The gallon of milk is gone and I had to bag up the fudge to keep it from being devoured. My husband was told by his doctor to lay off the sugar. After tasting the fudge, he said it could wait until after Christmas! Thanks for the recipe and for sharing yourself with your blog friends. I pray God will be your Peace and Comfort not only through Christmas, but through this new journey that started this week.
OH.MY.WORD!!!! made this last night!- the BEST EVER!!!- Thank you!- I think?- the pan is gone! going to make more tonight- which might be a very bad idea…thank goodness swimsuit season is months away!
Merry Christmas!
I am so making this for Christmas Eve. Off to find my stretch pants…
Edie, you know my mom used to make this too! Now we really are fudge brothers and sisters! I make it occasionally and it is wonderful and no other fudge will do! “Mom” did a lot of things right with those kids from Eagleton!
made this today! perfect for Christmas Eve! thanks for sharing!
This is my Grandma’s fudge recipe exactly! It is wonderful!!!
Whitney R
This sounds great! I don’t think you can get Marshmallow Creme in Australia though……
edie..this is thew first thing i’m doing after my diet ends in 2 weeks. what ?! yes i am planning all the food i’ll consume after i loose 10 lbs. that’s not normal?? this is FIRST!
YUM!!! I lve fudge too and just made some yesterday and was about to post it sometime soon… but seriously, it doesn’t sound anywhere near as nice as yours! Only problem is – we can’t get Marshmallow Whip here in NZ!!
I just found your blog. I went to college just outside of Knoxville in Jefferson City and LOVED that area.
praying for you as you rebuild. I made the fudge last night and its all gone between co workers and family! I will make it again this weekend and save some for myself! I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for sharing!
At first glance it appears, It is easy to make chocolate at home. But i know that that we need more effort to make chocolate at home.
kitchen units
making this again tonight…. just like I did last year… Does that make us Fudge Sisters, because that would be AWESOME!!!!
Simply fudge perfection! Made this last year and it was delicious. Making it again tonight for a church event. Thank you for sharing the BEST recipes.
made this last year and just ran to the computer to find your recipe again! thanks and merry christmas!
Dearest Fudge Sister: Thank you for making my chocolate dreams come true! My grandmother used to make this fudge and I’ve never been able to correctly recreate it until now! You’ve just brought back so many happy memories! This fudge isn’t chewy and sticky like some. It’s got a bit of a crusting to it. It’s deliciously decadent and I will make this for years to come! Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi! I am planning on making Grannie’s fudge tonight!!! Yay :)) Do you use a 5 oz can of evaporated milk? Is the butter unsalted? I am hoping to make mine as wonderful as yours. Thanks, Lu
my mom has made this for YEARS and it is delicious!!
would love to make this but i dont think you can buy marshmallow cream in uk
Edie, my fudge sister, I am standing in my kitchen with a glass of milk in one hand, and a butter knife in the other, scraping the fudge off the sides of my Dutch oven while the fudge cools in the pan… IT’S AMAZING. Thanks for the recipe 🙂
Oh how delicious.
Oh, oh, oh how delicious. !!!
So delicious, I blogged about it…
Thank you SO much for sharing your recipe + tips, Edie!
Thank you so much for this utterly perfect recipe. My grandma made the best fudge too, but she never used a recipe, and I have been looking for one like she made for a long time now. Usually the recipes I try never compared to hers, not even close but this one is as close as I could ask for! I just made this and cut into it. As I tasted it, I literally thought I might cry because it took me back to her kitchen in my mind. Thank you again, for the well named recipe “Grannie’s Fudge”
Merry Christmas! <3 Amanda
is marshmallow Fluff the same as marshmallow cream?? TY
That’s what I used – and it turned out great!
I made this fudge this week for Christmas gifts….and it is GREAT. I have been looking for an easy fudge recipe and have found the one I will use from now on. My husband who said “I don’t really like fudge” has been eating this and loving it! Thanks for the recipe. Highly recommend.
Help! I made my first batch and the cutting didn’t go so well. Its been 35 minutes. Should it be cool? I am making more batches and not sure what to do. Thanks.
Two questions, 2 t. Vanilla is this a teaspoon tsp. or a tablespoon tbsp.? And how is this cooled on the counter in the frig??
Can I just say oh…em….gee…it’s almost not right how delicious this is!!!! I used milk chocolate chips because it’s just what I had on hand, and I may never come out of the fudge coma!!!! Yum!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! I have been looking for this recipe my entire adult life! This is the fudge recipe MY Nanny used to make with me! My mom and I didn’t have a recipe from her. All I knew was that it used marshmallow creme and a BOATLOAD of sugar. When I read this post a few weeks ago I just couldn’t believe my luck. Just finished making a batch with my 13 year old son! (his one request for Christmas baking). Again thank you for posting this. I hope you and your family have a wonderful, joyful Christmas! I love reading your posts. You have such a way with words.
I have resisted making this for three years! But, tonight I gave in and stirred up a batch. I didn’t have choc chips or marshmallow cream so I substituted what I had: 1/2 bar Ghiradelli semi sweet baking chocolate bar PLUS 1 bittersweet Ghiradelli baking bar and one regular size Hershey’s chocolate candy bar. For the marshmallows, I used 1/2 bag large marshmallows and cut them in smaller pieces and stirred in after the 6 minutes of boiling. Oh, my!! This was perfection. Now, I don’t know whether I want to veer from my substitutions because it is so creamy and good. 😘
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making this right now but realized I used milk chocolate chips!! Will this ruin the recipe and taste?????
Can this fudge be frozen once it’s cut up?
My last fudge-making adventure {w/another recipe} was a disaster, so I was very nervous about this, but finally decided to try. Got it all done. It really was so easy, and I was so proud of myself… until… I saw the vanilla sitting on the counter. Forgotten in the midst of all the stirring!!! Oh no. Did a taste test — and I would say the recipe is very forgiving w/o it. Definitely not a fail!!! Also, I used marshmallows which I had on-hand instead of the cream. Those marshmallows melted right up beautifully! Thanks for the recipe Edie
This is cool… love it! 🙂
Yummy recipe, I was looking for special recipes for Christmas day and I found a lot of here. I work for a Catering in Boston, MA. Thanks for sharing these delicious recipes.
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I love what your sharing! Thank you for the way you make it look so simple. I also make this fudge but once in a while I throw in some pecans and caramel and there you have turtle fudge! It’s the most creamy smooth fudge out there.
With thanks! a very beneficial site; could not make it without ya!
Just did a web search for “Grandma Cooper’s Fudge”, which is the name of my own family’s heirloom fudge recipe, not really expecting to find anything except a bunch of strange fudge recipes. Your post here was the first offering, and except for the quantities of a batch being different and the marshmallows optional, it’s just like mine. Even the cooking instructions are generally the same. 🙂
Hmmm, I’m searching for MY grandmother’s recipes. I find it hard to believe your great-grandmother used a jar of marshmallow creme??? Perhaps you are very young and you are referring to the 1970s or 80s? I’m searching farther back than that, the 1940s – 50s.
Love it
Best fudge ever. Thanks for sharing with the world. I will certainly put this on my list for Christmas gifts.
So disappointed. Tried making this for the first time and when I stirred in the marshmallow cream, I found the sugar/milk/butter had scorched on bottom during the six minute boil. What did I do wrong?
Maybe you used a rather thin pot? One of my pots scorches any of my creamier recipes so I only use it for boiling water for eggs or for tea.
Hope you can retry it. I’m giving it a go tomorrow!
I just tried this fudge it is cooling hope it turns out
I made it! Everyone loves it. Tastes like my Mom used to make..and she was the best cook!
Really great fudge!!! How much does this make in lbs?
Positively the best and easiest chocolate fudge recipe I have made. I would like to make peanut butter fudge the same way and ideas for how much peanut butter to use.?
Is the white sugar supposed to be powdered sugar or regular sugar ?
really enjoyed this one, and all the chat that went with it.Marinho does indeed look like he could have been a beach boy, but he is more denis wilson than brian or carl (though that keeper sounds like murray wilson). In fact, the more i think about it, left back, floayabmnt, never quite praised enough, playboy. Now then, did he ever make friends with a notorious serial killer?on sex before, during and after games, i’m all for it, and i think there is definately some sexual tension between mike newell and that lineswoman.
I don’t know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.