I’m sitting here in my maxi dress—which apparently I was too lazy to exchange for yoga pants today—with 3 day hair and not a stitch of make-up, watching the Masters with Stevie and barely able to hold my eyes open. I have not been worth a dime today, dear ones. And by that I mean, I cooked brunch and dinner, cleaned out most of the kitchen cupboards, washed two loads of laundry, and sat with a sick girlie all day. But other than that—completely worthless.
And it’s all on account of these pretty things.
{darlene, angela, shannon, sheila, myquillin, the queen of bean station}
We met at Angela’s cottage in the mountains and had a proper girls weekend, complete with lots of laughter, tears, hugs, squeals, coffee, chocolate, cameras, long talks, more coffee and plenty of antique shopping. The thing we ran a little short on was sleep. Which explains why I’m contemplating bedtime at 7:30 p.m.
You know what spending the weekend with 5 of the most beautiful, generous, creative women will do for you? It will leave you completely inspired, with your heart and soul full to the brim. I’ve been in a bit of a dry season with my creativity. Or maybe I’ve been using it up in different ways but today? If I weren’t so sleepy I could die, I’d be trying to find something to paint or hot glue right this minute. These women ooze talent and skills and passion for what they do. I tried to take it all in but we decided we needed to hire a transcriber next time to write down every word that is said, so as not to miss any of the goodies that get shared when that many women sit around and chat for hours.
But what I love most about them is their willingness to dive into the deep end. The older I get, the less small talk I want. Life is too short to pretend you’re okay so I love it when the real sharing and the real tears and the real healing flows. It was beautiful. I was so blessed by the faith and struggle of my friends who are brave and vulnerable and willing to share the hard parts of life.
Of course, two seconds later, we’re kicking like Sally O’Malley and doing hair tutorials like school girls. And then there was the talking about what supplements we take and what foods we can’t eat anymore and how we all need blepharoplasty. (remember the lack of sleep?)
Antique shopping with creatives is another joy of my life. This is probably my 3rd or 4th trip antiquing with bloggers and it’s way fun to see what all the other ladies are drawn to. Angela has a thing for ‘offbeat’ beauty, which I adore, so naturally she liked the Toy Museum sign. She’s from Texas. It’s go big or go home. Naturally, she and I are a match made in heaven.
I had trouble leaving psycho mermaid behind but I managed to show some restraint. And in case you’re wondering? Mermaids seem to be all the rage. Who knew?
I’ll show this later this week what I did get. ‘Divine’ is the only hint I’m giving you!
So, tell me what is the most outrageous or wonderful thing you’ve ever bought at an antique or thrift shop?
I think I scored mine this weekend. Can’t wait to show you.
p.s. Visit Angela, our gracious hostess, and see if you can guess the bloggers……
How how lovely! Please do share more when you catch up on your rest. 🙂
Looks like a great time!
I DO know what you mean, friend. Beautiful weekend, beautiful girls. So glad you had a blast!!
My next stop? Troy, Alabama. I am dying to come see you and that beautiful house and shop of yours.
Love you dearie!!
Wonderful post. Full weekend, full Sunday. Get some rest… : ) I will take a look around here and decide on my favorite find. I only buy old stuff pretty much, so it will be tough. If mermaids are all the rage now, i am in heaven!! Fun. xoxo Happy week to you Edie!
yes, marie, we were all in agreement that there’s almost no need to buy anything new. all the good stuff is old and full of character and patina.
Oh. My. Word! You were in ASHEVILLE??? Little did I know my little town is one of your favorite places. (Guess that’s what I get for not clicking through on the link in your last post…LOL!) Glad to know you had such a good time. Can’t wait to see what treasure you found here. There certainly are many to be found! Hope you are resting up! -Lisa, aka The-girl-who’s-been-a-longtime-reader-of-your-blog-without-ever-commenting-but-is-changing-her-bad-blog-reader-ways.
Looks like so much fun!!!!
Please tell me you went to the Tobacco Barn. That place is heaven on earth. Looks like that might be where the mermaid was? And I agree- life in the deep end is such a beautiful, life-giving place to be.
we did, mary beth! that’s where i found my prize! but mermaids were EVERYwhere.
so glad to hear you like to hang out in the deep end too.
What a beautiful and inspiring weekend. Timeslike that are so good for the creative soul. Looks and sounds like a blast.
There is nothing I can add to what you’ve already written…except how charming, smart, beautiful, encouraging, and generous you are. And your laugh–the best! Thank you for sharing yourself with us!
Fantastic! It is a worthy thing to talk, laugh, kick, and rev up the creative juices from time to time. Rest up so you can hot glue stuff AND share your treasure. Can’t wait to see!
Looks like a great time!! Quick question….where did you get the polka dot shirt. I love it and we have the same coloring.
what a fabulous trip!!
celebrating the sweet friendships you have in blogland…and that you guys take the time to come together as regularly as possible. what a treat.
the quote from CS Lewis is a favorite. But then again, aren’t all his quotes our favorites?
Yes, they are, Tara! As a matter of fact, we read several of his quotes out loud this weekend. Just because it seemed like the perfect thing to do.
Love you and looking forward to meeting you sometime soon?!
Your spirit is contagious. I would love to spend time with you sometime. 🙂
I love the mirror in the background of the picture, looks like a sunburst sorta….
Where is this place and how can I get more info on it?
My Natural Calm arrived on my doorstep today! Can’t wait to try it. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been able to spend time with such amazing women. You are absolutely LOVELY! Hope your sick girly is feeling much better!! I am going to keep checking Amazon for your Soup Cookbook:).
Oh, I hope you like it, Sheila! Let me know what you think after a few days.
I loved it the first night.
And yes, you are so completely adorable and I am SO glad we got to spend some time together.
I miss you!!
And wish you lived closer.
Hi Edie, Just found your blog from a link from the Nester and love your easy going style in decor and fashion. I, too, would and could divulge the source of that adorable blue polka dotted blouse!
Thanks so much!!