You may hate me after I say this. You may call me PollyAnna or the craziest lady you’ve ever met. But I love January. It’s in the top three of my favorite months of the year. As a matter of fact, two years ago, I wrote this about January and fresh starts,
I am a complete sucker for a fresh start. The new year is like manna from heaven. I’m overwhelmed with list-making and dream-seeking and soul-searching . Hope swells and washes the memory of past failures clean. I couldn’t care less that I’ve made this list 20 times before and didn’t follow through with it. As a matter of fact, this tendency toward renewal and resolution wasn’t even our idea. We borrowed it from our Father who promised new mercies every morning and fresh starts ‘seventy times seven’ times. I completely believe deep down in my heart that this year will be different. You couldn’t convince me otherwise if your life depended on it.
But this January has been so different for me. I fell into a new passion, which is turning into a crazy wonderful business venture. That led me to teaching 7 classes in January. That led me to starting a new Facebook Group. AND OF COURSE, during all this, I decided to totally revamp my blog and take down more than half the ads. I made plans to revamp the school room and worked on a Lenten study on the prodigal son. Which means that so many January things fell by the wayside, like reading and knitting and writing and reorganizing my closet. I didn’t sit down much in January. It felt like September all over again. It was wonderful but I hope not to repeat it anytime soon.
So, in the interest of do overs and fresh starts and sunny outlooks, I’m falling hard for the new year by remembering that January 1st isn’t the only time to begin. Sometimes January 27th or March 15 makes more sense. I’m starting over (again) February 2nd and I’m telling you in case you want a January do-over. Here are my modest ( and perhaps not so modest) daily goals:
- 5 day cleanse
- daily Ningxia Red (this drink is the reason I don’t buy gallon drums of Motrin)
- start everyday with a short devotional from my PrayNow app
- write/edit for 2 hours everyday
- read for 1 hour everyday
- run or cross train 5 days/week
- cut my coffee intake in half
- daily journaling
- one person per day to pray for/contact/send love note to (it is February after all)
Why the daily goals? Because your days become your weeks and your weeks become your years. And I do better when I have a rhythm to my days. January was a month of big things/projects and I want February to be about the dailies.
I even started a new Instagram account for all things wellness & goals so that you can follow along in the crazy and perhaps be inspired to make the most of the days. I’ll be posting there about my rhythms and routines and the tools I’m using to find healing for my body and soul and mind.
To celebrate the newness, I’m giving away the farm! Well, not literally the farm but almost. If you follow my new IG acct called Lifeingrace & Wellness (lifeingraceessentials) and leave a comment on the maiden post (the first and only one so far!) I will pick a winner on January 30th and here’s what said winner will get:
- A Young Living premium starter kit, complete with the 11 everyday oils, a diffuser, and some samples of our magic drink, Ningxia Red ($180 value)
- $100 Amazon gift card so that you can purchase something special to help you with your dailies
- A cute bag to carry your goodies in ($25 value)
Have you ever started over in February? Or September?
It’s my favorite thing ever!
Will you be talking more in depth about the drink you mentioned above? I am a daily Motrin-taker right now and would love to know more about what you’re drink is about. Love all this! Thank you!!
Lisa, if you click the wellness link on my blog, there’s a little section there about NingXia Red!!
I’m in love with fresh starts myself. February seems like a great new beginning to me!
I could use prayers. 🙂
And that wonderful red drink. A cleanse is in my future. Side note: I’m sad today… I wonder if God’s grace will lift me up out of this sadness.
Praying for you sweet friend.
Excited for you and your new venture!
February is my “New Year” because it’s my birthday month and just a great time for me to begin challenges. January is usually just catch-up from the holidays, then reflecting and establishing my hopes. In February, I put action to my plans!
Edie- I started following your new Instagram account with mine RACHELJSINSTAGRAM.
I’m curious what is the best way to contact you about speaking for a women’s retreat/conference in 2016?
You can email me at
Thank you dear!
I love new beginnings, and these are all great goals. I really like the idea of reaching out to one person each day. I may have to adopt that for myself!
I love new beginnings, lists, resolutions, the whole shebang! I would love to try the Young Essentials Oils…have heard so much about them but the cost is just prohibitive in this season of life. I would be curious to see if they help with my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
For sure! Keep them in mind!
Hi there ~ I find lifeingrace on IG, but not the acct. you mentioned above. Also, how do I join your private facebook page for EO?
Thanks, Mary
I will get you added to the FB group! If you go to my lifeingrace IG acct, you can click on the lifeingraceessentials link from there!
Thanks Edie!
What kind of cleanse will you do?
Read you daily… Also working on my routines. It includes oils, exercise, cooking, and devotions. You could add a struggling teen to your prayers: medical, mental, and spiritual health all challenged. No names but God knows who we are!! “… I will never leave you nor forsake you…” -Joshua 1:5
I was gonna post anyway, and say AMEN!!!!!
We moved last year, and it has been about a year, and this January we are starting fresh…Everyday is a gift and repentance is daily needed, thanks for the reminder Edie. I am loving my oils!
I have started over the week before Christmas! I started recording my “Quiet Times” with my Bible on a printable form Elizabeth George. I love filling in the squares. (my inner preschool)
I’m interested in learning more about the oils. Is it possible to join your Facebook group to see more information?
Fresh start for me too! Love your list!!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this and your plans. Fresh starts are so freeing! I just had 10 days with husband and the girls gone to a company retreat. I didn’t do much that I thought I might but I am feeling refreshed after the break. My fresh starts usually coincide with seasons and the school vacation calendar! Definitely need a clean start with foods and exercise!