Oh hi and good morning long lost friend.
It’s been so long since I even logged into my blog that I had to LOOK UP the password.
And then that was wrong, so I had to hack into my computer’s keychain system and luckily that worked.
I guess that means it’s been far too long. I know you think I’ve been sitting over here napping and eating bon bons.
But I’ve been just as busy as ever and sometimes life just hands you seasons and you have to walk in them as best you can. This has been a season for me almost like having a baby. I had a baby business and she’s growing. She’s a toddler now, about the same age as the real life toddler that is making our lives so full and amazing. (More about him here. Also, if you haven’t watched my Instagram video of him, you HAVE NOT LIVED. Get over there right now.)
But anyhoo, I’ve missed you and I wanted to spend September with you, here on the blog and more importantly, on my Facebook page, lifeingrace, where I’ll be LIVE STREAMING every weekday in September at 6 am eastern. It’s a little challenge I set for myself and I’m inviting you along, because maybe you need to get back on track too and make the most of those precious mornings.
We’ll be talking about a host of awesome topics, but this week’s chat will be all about continuing to grow as a person, mama, wife, worker bee, etc.
This all reminds me of when I was in medical school and took up scrapbooking.
Because who doesn’t need a time consuming hobby when you’re working 70 hours a week?
But did you know that I finished more scrap books during medical school than at any other time in my scrapbooking life. It must have been the horrendous inability to sleep and the momentum that I had from already accomplishing a lot. Now listen, I’m NOT advocating you do that. But what I’m saying is that sometimes if you create growth and momentum in one area of your life, it spills over into everything.
That’s my hope for morning mentoring—that you will leave the live stream so motivated and inspired that without that much extra effort, you’ll see areas of your life that you want to grow in, becoming all the time more and more of the person God made you to be. I hope you leave with more energy and passion than ever to be generous with your life and gifts.
So, who’s in? Who’s joining me tomorrow morning?!??!
Bring your coffee and don’t judge my makeup-less face.
(You can actually watch the first one here!)
No judging here! I love your authenticity and brave to show up just as you are. It’s encouraging!
I am not a morning person really, but I’ll force myself!
Tried to watch the first one and can’t connect. It says the page has expired? Anyway love your post and have a great day.
I’m so looking forward to seeing you online more often! The timing is perfect! 😀
Love to see a post from you.
Miracles still happen! Yeah!!!! I just finished Overflow and followed along for Summer Bootcamp. I will watch the Morning Mentoring Live in replay, as it would be way too early for me.
yes, they do!! there’s no shame in the replay!!
I appreciate your efforts to stay connected! I’m my case, you are not the ‘older woman’ teaching the younger (as you mentioned from Titus). Rather it’s more like teaching an “old dog new tricks”!! And I love learning new tricks!!!!
love it!!
So wonderful to wake up to a blog from my favorite blogger!!! I did summer camp so it’s not like I haven’t “seen” you but still a nice surprise. Love the new look of the blog!
Oh I missed your blog posts so much and am thrilled with your post! And the new blog layout looks amazing! Would love to see some “homemaking” posts again. Love your style! Have a great day!!
I live in Denver so 400 is a bit early. I did catch the end of your first one. Loved it. Will I be able to watch after each talk. I need some motivation.
Hi Edie,
I was following you around the time of your house fire. I have loved your heart, passion and humbled nature since then. Picked up “All The Pretty Things” and was not disappointed. So much courage, grit and brokeness through your story. But healing happens through it. And you telling it has touched many lives travelling through tragedy. I’m in awe of all you were dealt with and managed to work through. Such a great read which had me in tears. Thank you for opening your life and heart to your readers.
thank you so very much, that means the world to me. xoxo
Thank you, Edie! That’s fantastic! Perfect timing for September. I am looking forward to it 🙂
Edie, you’ve been inspiring me for years and morning mentoring is WONDERFUL. I always watch the replay while I’m drinking coffee and doing my make-up. YoU being you inspires me to be the best version of me. Thank you, thank you!!
I have been following your blog since I came across it when you were featured on The Old Painted Cottage. I will try to keep this short, but I must say your book touched me so deeply and beautifully. I cried, and I laughed out loud (which always gets an odd look from my husband!) I am 65, live South of Sacramento, grew up in the country with my large family with their Southern roots. All of your stories, idioms, and of course those country songs just reconnected my heart to so many memories. Growing up in the Church of Christ, it took me a lot of years to understand my German husband’s Lutheran roots, but oh how happy I am to have embraced the Lutheran Church! Could go on and on, as we all have our own story. May God bless you and keep and may He continue to shine upon you and your ministry. Bev
Soooo missed you and Steve this morning! Hope you made it safely to Portland. Looking forward to seeing you live on FRIDAY !!!!
Edie, thank you so much for the Morning Mentoring. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting you each day at 6am. I get up at 5 each morning to see my hubby off to work!
We have two grown children who are both engaged and planning weddings in 2018. Stress and worry doesn’t leave when they move out that’s for sure. I appreciate all your work and incite to marriage and just everyday living. I find at 56 yo i worry more than I use too. I remind myself every day and night to Let God handle things. He has a master plan & I’ve seen that first hand. It just gets hard because you want the very very best for your kids and family no matter how old they are. I know our morning meetings are winding down, but if you could address worry at some point, or lead me in the right direction that would be wonderful.
Thanks again, I’ve followed your blog since your house fire. My husband is a volunteer fire chief here in our town, and both my kids also volunteer.
So sometimes they do put others needs before that of their own family, but we realize that is their calling – and mine is to be thankful they go to help others. Thanks. Brenda in MD luv ya
Dear sweet Dr, your smiling face is wonderful. But I am an old lady, alone with lots of family problems that I do not know what to do with, this is for young people that I do not want to bring g down to the depths with me, I just stumbled upon this. I am a born again Christian, but I am struggling about what to do and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. God bless. Mary
Very NICE. what I’m saying is that sometimes if you create growth and momentum in one area of your life