This is so amazing to me that it’s worth documenting. When we rebuilt our house after the fire of 2010, Darlene and I collaborated on several rooms in my house. Up to that point, I had always been afraid of seeking help with design projects because I didn’t want someone telling me all the rules and how egregiously I was breaking them. Plus, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted already. But, she was the sweetest thing and she assured me that she would help me better identify my own style while helping me find pieces that reflected what I love.
So, how did this professional designer take my eclectic/cottage/Southern-chic/Texas-loving design tendencies and work with them? She didn’t let my funky style deter her one bit. She just took it and made it better. I can hardly believe how much I enjoyed working on this with someone who had more experience and more knowledge.
And the best bonus of collaboration? I now have a dear friend. Perfect icing on the cake! Or cupcake. I got to meet her beautiful family this past Christmas when they were traveling through the South for vacation.
Then, we had the surprise blessing of having this room featured in the BHG story which came out last January.
Y’all. For the first time in EVER, I have not had the desire to redecorate every six months. This room has been almost exactly the same for 3 years. This is some kind of record. I walk into and still love it. It has grown with my girls and is still one of my favorite rooms in the house. (You can see a tour of the room here.)
It’s a good reminder to me that we need each other, whether it’s in the area of design, cooking, writing, raising kids, or just living everyday. Which is why I’m so glad there are blogs. I can’t tell you how much I’ve grown and learned over the past six years by reading blogs and writing one myself. We can benefit from each other’s mistakes and wisdom in the most wonderful of ways. I’m so thankful for all the people who have collaborated to make my life better and more beautiful.
Also? Darlene’s been working on some projects of her own, including an adorable baby and THE NURSERY!! (You will NOT believe the before!)
I also love this post about why your home is already perfect.
I love her design manifesto, too!
So, what area of your life could you benefit from some collaboration? I’m thinking house cleaning is next on my list!
Great post! I love Darlene’s messages about decorating, about using only what you love, being brave, genuine, all of it. She speaks to me. And your messages about beauty, truth, and grace, what a perfect fit. What’s next for me at the farm is editing the whole house and beefing up two rooms for summer. But when? Because the weather here is gorgeous and I never want to be indoors. LOL
p.s. Was your fire really that long ago?
I love Darlene and her beautiful sense of style and sweet spirit. Going to check out the nursery now!
I agree. Blogs have helped me, find me. I love all the beautiful women that I stalk, and consider them my friends. You miss Edie are on the top of the list. Thank you for the encouragement, wisdom, beauty in every day things, southernness, cooking, keeping it real, and pointing us to the cross. You have been a gift from God for me. Thank you!
Edie, I love the girls’ room. What lucky little ladies they are.
Beautiful room – I’m making over my daughter’s room in the image of this one! Can you please tell me where you got the bedskirt?
I also love the fashion drawings in your master bedroom – the women in flouncy dresses. I’ve looked on Etsy and haven’t found ones I like quite as much. Do you recall where those are from?
Can I just say her manifesto made me CRY?! Maybe I am overly emotional these days, or maybe it just strikes a cord with me on how God puts a desire for beauty in each of us. Love that He brought the two of you together.
I have pored through the design ideas for your girls’ room for a while now. It has given me great inspiration for my own girls’ room. We are going to be painting over the current electric purple this weekend with your Sea Salt color (matched) and moving forward with finding bright quilts for them to have through (hopefully!) most of their growing years.
Keep on keepin’ on, Edie. You’re a blessing.
what is wrong with me?
i clearly did not live up to my full stalker potential because i NEVER made it up there…..
you know what that means right?
What a beautiful room! And beautiful girls too! (not in order of importance) 🙂
I am not sure the best place to ask you questions that aren’t related to this post… I guess I will leave it here for now…
I recently read a number of your posts about homeschooling (as I am considering teaching my children at home). Your most recent post on the subject was when the girls went back to school and you were mourning the change. I would love to hear how you and they have adjusted. Has it been a good change or one that you regret?
Oh Edie!! I adore you!!
Thank you for sharing this with your readers. I have been blessed in countless ways by our collaboration, but of course, your friendship tops the list. Love you!
Love you, friend.
I had the big-time pleasure of collaborating with Darlene on a room too. I gave her my eclectic/cottage/Scandinavian-loving design tendancies (with a mini budget) and My. Word. She came up with ideas I’d never dreamed of. They’ve added greatly to the everyday enjoyment ever since. And you too Edie. Both of you have helped me see things with new eyes & make life more beautiful in many different dimensions…faith, hospitality, design, even music. How cool is that?
Awww, so wonderful, Donna! She’s so talented! And thank you for those kind words. We are all so blessed by this community.
I tried to forget this “girls room” you did on here. I could not. I was searching for a way to decorate the “granddaughters” room at my house (the room vacated by my middle daughter when she moved) and it seemed perfect. So finally I had to use your ideas and create a room slightly different but using many of your sources and ideas, throwing in a few of my own things I had and using my signature vintage pieces. I love it. We are so twins, Edie. Love your guidance on here in every area. Btw, that pumpkin chipotle soup is amazing. I have made it so many times. Yum.