I’m all pics and no words today but I figured you’d rather have that than nothing. I’m off to watch them measure for counter tops!
Won’t be long now……..
Seriously? I can’t take it…everything is so perfect. As in, I love your choices!! 🙂 The transom windows…oh my goodness! Love. Thanks for sharing your new home. God truly does rebuild and restore. Obviously, not just our homes but our hearts. 🙂
Seriously? I can’t take it…everything is so perfect. As in, I love your choices!! 🙂 The transom windows…oh my goodness! Love. Thanks for sharing your new home. God truly does rebuild and restore. Obviously, not just our homes but our hearts. 🙂
Oh, Edie! How beautiful! You should write a book showing your past three kitchens – each has been so unique yet so GORGEOUS!!!! Good gracious, you have great style. God has given you a blessing after the horrible destruction.
I am so grateful for your sharing photos with us. My mom is looking into replacing screen doors and I want to paint my buffet orange…your pictures have given great ideas for both! Everything is so close to complete, how exciting!
Oh, and I have a quesiton. Your blue on the butler’s pantry cabinets is similar to what I am looking for to use on my kitchen cabinets. It actually looks exactly like what I have been looking for. What is the color?
OH, Edie. I’m sitting here with my mouth open. Wow, wow, wow. I hardly know what to say–it’s all so beautiful! And a scullery!?!? I am so very, very glad for you. So glad.
I am a blog stalker…..I have been lurking aorund your blog since some blog somewhere direted me to your blue kitchen cabinets…….your houses make me smile….thank you so much for sharing your new home….I can’t wait to see it completed with all your fun decorating ideas…..you have a real talent!!!!!
yay, edie! gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! What a joy this is to see your home come to life! Everything, every detail is divine. Well, then. I cannot wait to sit together in this blessed place. we may even have to hang out in the scullery, because I have not spent all that much time in a scullery… and it is overdue in my life.
I can’t get over all the pretty colors in your new house. The finishes, the details, the woodwork, and the COLOR – it’s all so beautiful. I know y’all can’t wait until it’s finally complete.
Edie — your house is gorgeous!!! how amazing is this!!!! I may have already told you this but it’s worth saying again! Many blessings to you and your family in your new home…
thank you also for commenting on my blog…..your girls are quite the cutie pair in their own blog! 🙂
Mmmm… I love that pantry!
Shut the front door.
Those pink vanities? I die.
Love, love, love it all!! It is looking amazing. The porch is fabulous.
hooray! This is so exciting to see. Congratulations!
Seriously? I can’t take it…everything is so perfect. As in, I love your choices!! 🙂 The transom windows…oh my goodness! Love. Thanks for sharing your new home. God truly does rebuild and restore. Obviously, not just our homes but our hearts. 🙂
Seriously? I can’t take it…everything is so perfect. As in, I love your choices!! 🙂 The transom windows…oh my goodness! Love. Thanks for sharing your new home. God truly does rebuild and restore. Obviously, not just our homes but our hearts. 🙂
IT’S GORGEOUS ALREADY!!!! Looks like my dream home, congratulations!
A screened in porch means its officially a house! Enjoy after all you have conquered you deserve it!
Oh, Edie! How beautiful! You should write a book showing your past three kitchens – each has been so unique yet so GORGEOUS!!!! Good gracious, you have great style. God has given you a blessing after the horrible destruction.
Yay! Love the cabinet colors in the scullery!
Oh, I’m in love with your new house! I love your colors and the cabinetry and the woodwork and the walls and the layout and that screened porch…
All beautiful but I REALLY love the butler pantry color combo!! Greens and aquas together are so yummy. Congrats!
I can’t wait to see the final pictures-everything is already gorgeous!!!!!
Beautiful. I can’t wait to see the kitchen when it’s finished.
Edie, everything looks so beautiful! I’m very happy for you. I know you can’t wait to get settled in.
I am so excited for you. I love everthing and can’t wait to see it after you are all moved in. Thanks for being and inspiration to us all!
the colors you chose make my night.
Lovely, Lovely, Lovely! Thanks for sharing with us! 🙂
Those colors totally make me smile. What a happy place. Kitchen rockin’ it.
I am so grateful for your sharing photos with us. My mom is looking into replacing screen doors and I want to paint my buffet orange…your pictures have given great ideas for both! Everything is so close to complete, how exciting!
Oh, and I have a quesiton. Your blue on the butler’s pantry cabinets is similar to what I am looking for to use on my kitchen cabinets. It actually looks exactly like what I have been looking for. What is the color?
OH, Edie. I’m sitting here with my mouth open. Wow, wow, wow. I hardly know what to say–it’s all so beautiful! And a scullery!?!? I am so very, very glad for you. So glad.
love love love all the color you are using!! hugs dear!!
Your taste is impeccable. Love. It.
Friday night I dreamed I came and visited you at your new house. that is all.
I am a blog stalker…..I have been lurking aorund your blog since some blog somewhere direted me to your blue kitchen cabinets…….your houses make me smile….thank you so much for sharing your new home….I can’t wait to see it completed with all your fun decorating ideas…..you have a real talent!!!!!
I’m so excited to see it all done! You’ll have to do a video tour or something. It’s just going to be beautiful!
yay, edie! gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! What a joy this is to see your home come to life! Everything, every detail is divine. Well, then. I cannot wait to sit together in this blessed place. we may even have to hang out in the scullery, because I have not spent all that much time in a scullery… and it is overdue in my life.
she’s looking doner and doner
can’t wait to see all the jewelry you add!
Fa-bu-lous!!! It takes a so great shape, congratulations! (I would love to visit too 😉
Wow, the pantry…all of the space in the kitchen…the vanities.
So adorable.
I really love your color combos.. cant wait to see the finished product
Wow! It looks great. I like the way the hutch and island turned out, looks wonderfully familiar. Excited for y’all!
THAT is the most beautiful house I have ever seen. And it’s not even done! WOWzers. Congratulations!!
I can’t get over all the pretty colors in your new house. The finishes, the details, the woodwork, and the COLOR – it’s all so beautiful. I know y’all can’t wait until it’s finally complete.
Edie — your house is gorgeous!!! how amazing is this!!!! I may have already told you this but it’s worth saying again! Many blessings to you and your family in your new home…
thank you also for commenting on my blog…..your girls are quite the cutie pair in their own blog! 🙂
I love the this house!! The girls coral vanity and the tile in that bath are awesome!!! But I love all of it!