Well, I decided to move to WordPress and it’s gonna be more of a Klampett-style move. Jed pulled up his truck and loaded me and all my posts up….but we seem to have lost Jethro and Granny in the chaos. Pardon the mess and the random things flying overboard and hopefully in a few days you’ll feel right at home. The links may not work, the comments may not migrate and we will all bump into things as we find our way around. I think when all is said and done, you’ll love the new site. Darcy has been holding my hand all day and we’re both gonna cross our fingers that nothing explodes when I push the button to import my blog to this new site. I feel like I’m in charge of secrets at the FAA or something. I’m like Jack Bauer meets Jed Klampett. People with my lack of computer skillz should not be allowed ‘under the hood’ like this. So, without further adieu………..{maybe I should say some magic words}
p.s. I’ve got Granny’s rifle in case anything goes wrong!
I’ll explain all about why I moved to wordpress later but Darcy recently wrote a post on it if you’re considering it. Here’s one big reason I moved. Big photos!
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I think I’m gonna love WordPress!
Love the post and that you’re well armed. Hilarious.
I am really looking forward to seeing how you like wordpress! I have considered moving too, but it is a big move when I feel like i am really just starting to get a good handle on blogger!
the new site looks lovely!!
Have fun!!!
oh my edie! love the new layout and your header picture is gorgeous!
Hey Edie,
Fantastic…love your new header, love the color and I love change! Well done Matie…:-)
Love Sarah xxx
I LOVE the new look. 🙂 So simple and lovely.
I love the new look! The header is gorgeous.
Why the change…just curious?
Go, edie ~ go, edie!
Love the Klampett comparison ~ that was soooo me when I moved to WP! 😀
Edie, You always make me smile, so I’d follow you anywhere. This new site’s cuter than Elly May in her overalls! Love you girl.
God’s blessings, Sarah 😀
Hey! Love that you’re moving to wordpress, too. I like it a lot better then blogspot, i hope you do too. and if it makes you feel better, my move and set up at my .com/wordpress was like me doing your brain surgery BLINDFOLDED, i’m that poorly skilled technologically. and i never could figure out how to put an automatic redirect on my old blog over to my new one….hmmmm…wish one of you advanced bloggers would post a tutorial on that and some of the other tricks you have to help us ameteurs out! anyways, good luck with the move (then again, i don’t believe in luck so…may the hand of Providence guide you)!
I love checking out your blog..your kitchen is to die for! Are you planning a house warming party after the big move? LOL
Sis, I LOVE the new blog. Love the header, great picture. Some of my favorites are you all picking cherries. And of course, the cutest, sweetest ever picture of my girl. So cute. Keep on the good work, you don’t need much help if you have come this far. Love ya!
Oh Edie, that picture of you, its dreamy…just love your new look here! Is Darcy amazing or what!?!?!
I like wordpress! Maybe I should move over to wordpress for the big pictures! Congrats Edie!
~Molly P
Here is a link to the tutorial that I learned how to make my photos larger in my posts:
I’m trying to take and post a pic a day in 2010, so I’m using this a lot. And, it’s EASY!!!
It may be too little- too late, but I thought I’d share! I love the new site! Good luck!!!
Can’t wait to see more! 😀
Well, your feed worked, I got this post via my blogger follow feed. And the photos are GORGEOUS! As is your new header. The layout is charming, now hopefully for you, it all works well too. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the move…
Hi, I’ve been lurking for quite awhile now and thought it was time to chime in. 🙂 Just had to say I love your new digs! Your blog is a great read!
Yea! I love big photos. =D
Very sweet photo! I love her boots too! Here’s proof that my 8th grade photo is the worst, seriously: Carrot Top and Little Orphan Annie’s love child. SCARY: http://www.theshadesofpink.com/2001/01/pink-tomboy.html
Love love love your new look!!!! The size of the pictures alone sells me on wordpress and the monthly fee to run it! Good for you!
big BEAUTIFUL pictures!
love the changes, edie! can’t wait to see more!
Love, love, love it!! I’m super jealous! Your old site was beautiful, but this is fantastic! The header is especially gorgeous!
Edie…I love the new site and the new look…and I know that you will SO make this your OWN!!!
Welcome to WP Edie! If your going to do it the best way is via Darcy! She got me switched over and I’m LOVING it! It will feel like home again soon! Love your header! You are so beautiful!
love the new look! yay for you (and for us, your readers). 🙂
I LOVE the new look….I hope everything goes well for you…
Look forward to seeing your blog in the future.
I love WordPress. It is fool-proof which is what I need. I love the look of your new blog! It takes a little while to get things exactly where you want them.
I do love the bigger photos. Oh tell your girls Santa did not leave us a Wii Maybe next year..IT IS SO HARD SOMETIMES>>