We jaunted off to Goodwill this morning where the after Christmas sales were hoppin’. I could be exaggerating but we did find this old door which was 1/2 off. It was 5. 48 with tax! This ‘studio table redo’, as Ms. Pink and Polka Dot called it , was a quick and rewarding project. We had our sights set on a sewing table….and by the end of the day……after a lot of help from Leigh Ann…..and 4 cups of coffee and two diet pepsi’s; we were sewing. And making us some hoopty crafts.
We used modge podge and wrapping paper on the door itself. (as ever so eloquently described here) and then set the door on old particle board desk that was taking up valuable real estate in my basement.
…then I used macdaddy’s industrial stapler to add a simple but perfect table skirt. To hide all manner of hideous but well organized junk. And various and sundry sewing notions.
Oh yeah, and I spray painted my thread holder with ‘Catalina Mist’….love that color. And if I’d had any more of it, I would have spray painted two locker bins, the old desk I bought at Leigh Ann’s yard sale, and 7 other random items. It’s a great color. I have no lies to tell.
It turned out beautiful. Thank you so much to Leigh Ann for hours of hard work. (The ‘door’ part of the project was the easiest part…all that pesky organizing is what took so long) She was excellent at keeping me on task and has some great ideas, that girl!
My children then begin to sew til their heart’s content. Emme made an iphone ‘cozy’ for dad. Wow I woulda never thought of that. I praised it so much….
she made me a lip gloss ‘cozy’. Very……cozy……indeed. Her mind is reeling with little things she could snuggle up in between two swatches of fabric.

So there. That’s it. The last hurrah before a new day….a new year….takes over. 2008 was full of joy and change and many good and perfect gifts from above. We truly are living a dream we don’t deserve. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift.
Love and hugs to you all and Happy New Year!
I’m working on a guest post for Country Girl in which I will share my ‘take’ on fashion. And if you could see me right now, you would be very afraid. It’s a Nester version of decorating yourself instead of your home. We will shop our closets and even some thrift stores to find some ensembles that put the q in cute. It should post on Sunday January 4th. Otherwise known as MY BIRTHDAY!

Love the table and the cozy crafts!
Can’t wait to see your guest post- have a safe and happy night tonight!
Oh my goodness – this table is so stinkin’ cute. I love your choice of polka dots. Your girls are so creative and thoughtful!! I can’t wait for your post on your birthday – how GREAT is that!!! I will definitely be checking it out! Your homeschool room looks AMAZING!!!
Happy New Year!!!
I need a door!! Very cute.
I love, love, love it! isn’t it funny, how when you set that stuff up…kids are drawn to it like flies. it looks fabulous…i like it better than mine! don’t you love burlap! i’m going to copy your girls bedskirts! One last thing…Is Leigh Anne available for hire? And I look forward to your fashion sense post…beacause i need some!
Very cool indeed!! You guys rock! Can Leigh Ann come over and help me??? Oh and I absolutely LOVE the phone and gloss holders! I see my favorite gloss peeking out of that cute holder too! I’ll be sure to read your guest post! xo Keli
Wow..you ended with a BANG!!! Looks fabulous!!!!!
Happy New Year Year, Life in Grace! Looking forward to blogging with you in 2009!
-sandy toes
You are too cute and very creative!
Love it!
Happy New Year!
Holy cow – this was one of the best yet. Love, Love, it. I hosted dinner in my dining room….aka the school room and just threw beautiful fabric over all the piles of school stuff on the edges of the room. I needed your table skirt in a big way. :)(but maybe Leigh Ann even more)
LOVE THIS!!!! i will be making this! how’s the modpdge and wrapping paper working out?
How cool is that door project!!! Love it.
Thank you so much for leaving me a sweet comment about my wreck the other day….:)
Hope you’re having a great 2009 so far!!
Just read the post on CG. Loved it and LOVE the table