Is it the full-moon, is it hormones, do I have GAD/ADD/OCD/PTSD, is it a midlife crisis, or just a plain funk? Maybe I’m just in a funk. I’m okay with that. On the surface, I have no reason to have issues. But I do and I’m crabby and on the verge of tears. every. second. of. the. day. My friend Cindy gave me a great idea…….just set a date for it to be over, and until then, give the folks in your life ample warning. I am hormonal, have multiple psychiatric diagnoses, could possibly be in a crisis, am most definitely in a funk…..and it will be over on Oct. 29th. Because who wants to be in a ‘funk’ on Halloween. My small children who I am homeschooling think Oct. 29th is months, maybe years away.
then we studied this:
and Elea decided her fatigued little fingers couldn’t color one more thing….
and Emme decided she couldn’t see AT ALL without wearing MY glasses…..
so in my hormonal/psychiatric/crisis state of being, I loaded them up and we went to the courthouse and McDonald’s. Don’t be scared. No, I am not planning to feed them burgers and then turn them over to state’s custody. Although they may request that by the end of the day. And Emme for some reason thinks that wearing a tank top over whatever else she has on is quite stylish. I didn’t fight it. I don’t even trust my fashion sense right now.
and when we got to the courthouse to renew our vehicle tags, Elea had brought no shoes… we dug around in the car and found jazz shoes. As if the dirty shirt, dishoveled side ponytail, and McDonald’s paraphernalia weren’t ghetto enough…….
Jazz shoes……this is not subtle folks…….
and tank tops over everything…….
So, to top off our afternoon ‘outing’ there was a ‘wedding’ of sorts going on in the hallway of the courthouse right beside the county clerk’s office… the hallway…….but who am I to pass judgement? My daughter has on jazz shoes. She fit right in with the ‘wedding party’ who were wearing black jeans, black concert/nascar t-shirts, with the groom sporting a ball cap. Elea could have been a make-shift flower girl….heck, she could’ve done a little jazz number for that matter. Had we known. My girls discussed at length the peculiarity of wedding vows just a few feet away from the vehicle registration. I’ve got my own crisis here…..which I can’t explain….so what makes you think I can explain this? Homonyms and insect body parts…..I get. Weird, lengthy ‘funks’ and shady courthouse weddings in nascar apparel, I don’t get.
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)
Well at least you redeemed the day by making it enjoyable for the rest of us! 🙂
The beauty of homeschool: the kids can look like orphans and it really doesn’t matter. sometimes. 🙂
(And sometimes it really, really matters and I can’t take it another minute, so despite my own makeup-less face and clipped-up hair, I have to suddenly say with clenched jaws: “Go fix your hair. NOW!”) 🙂
I like to try something new. Sometimes all it takes is a departure from my every day ordinary to make things seem better. Sometimes I just have to wait it out.
I miss you so much it hurts..You make me smile when I am hurting. I love you. Can we just sit in your bed eat cookies and watch steel magnolias?
Well can I just say…. I kinda like tank tops over whatever else…..and….jazz shoes go with everything…specially tank tops over whatever else! 🙂
Have you tried wine?
Smile and hang on in there 🙂
p.s. that “I will not whine” on the board cracks me up every time… 🙂
Your girls are just soooooooo cute and adorable 🙂
Love this post..Hope you are feeling better even though it’s not the 29th yet! I say prayer and a new handbag! The smell of leather always makes me happy! : }
Love that jazz shoes look. Looks like you are doing a great job with their schooling. We’re starting up again tomarrow. I don’t feel prepared because I’ve been sick and had company at my house…ugh! Thanks for the needed inspiration.