We’re enjoying a lazy Saturday, drinking the leftovers of the sangria I made for yesterdays’ brunch and enjoying pics from the last two weeks. I also thought I’d post the recipe for my Late Summer Vegetable Soup, in case, like me, you have a sackful of the last of the summers’ almost-too-ripe veggies that need to be used.
I’m working on several posts, including the video tour, my kitchen pics, and my wonderful visit with Julie the other day. I also wanted to practice my photoshop skillz (or lack thereof) and was inspired by Meg’s collage.
The girls and I are crafting fools lately—-there must be something magical about studying the Renaissance. I guess if Luther and Michealangelo and daVinci don’t inspire you then nothing will.
Hope you’re weekend is full and happy!

Late Summer Vegetable Soup
This recipe for vegetable soup is my favorite! In a large soup pot, saute one large onion in 3T. of olive oil and 2T of bacon fat. Yes, bacon grease. It can be our little secret.
Then, add all the fresh over ripe veggies you can get your hands on. I started with seven or eight ears of corn, cutting the corn off the cob and then scraping the cob with the side of my knife to get all the good ‘milk’ off the cob. Next, I added 3 zucchini squash, cut in half lengthwise and then chopped in thin pieces. Add many (about 6 large) fresh tomatoes, chopped and then added with juice and all. The first time I made it, I also added okra. Cook the veggies for about 10 min. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper and then salt and pepper to taste.
Add one box of good chicken stock and then finish with 3T. of cream and a tablespoon of honey.
This only works with fresh, sweet veggies but you could substitute the tomatoes with Cento’s chefs’ cut canned tomatoes. I’d use 2-28 oz cans.
It’s really so simple and so delicious. Hope you try it! It’s just pretty to look at too.