Four days after I turned my book in, we left for Sanibel for Stevie’s annual medical meeting. It was wonderful to get away and such a treat to spend time with his brother Jeff and Jeff’s wife, Vicki. I’d love to say I read voraciously and did lots of walking and running on the beach. The truth is, I think I took about 5 naps a day (mostly by the pool) and really that’s about it. The weather was beautiful and the shelling was fun, as evidenced by the display I set up on the outdoor table. I was forbidden to bring most of mine home because they were a little stinky but I did enjoy looking at them.
I have to say that I’ve had a hard time getting back to normal life, whatever that was before I was writing a book for nearly a year. I hope to find my groove but I’m being very patient with myself. I think it’ll take a little re-entry period but hopefully I’ll adjust and start doing regular things more regularly, like laundry and showering and blogging. My family hopes so too. I did make dinner twice in a row this week! And I was so glad that the fall colors were still sort of hanging on when we got back.
I did want to let you know that I’m speaking this Saturday at Arrowhead Church here in Morristown for a ladies brunch. I’d love to see you there and all you need to do is call the church if you’d like to attend (423-254-3710). It’s 9-12 ish and I’ll be speaking on Finding God’s Calling in the Midst of Your Messy Life.
Also, I wanted to introduce you to a super talented friend that I’ve reconnected with over the past year, Amy. She blogs at DrawnbyGrace and was the talent behind our last newsletter printable. Amy’s family is in the process of adopting a child from Haiti and I thought it would be so wonderful to support their adoption during this Thanksgiving season. I’m committing to match your donations, up to $1,000. They’ve raised 18,000 so far and need $11,000 more to bring him home in May. Bless you for whatever you’re able to give as help walk this sweet baby home to his forever family. Visit their adoption blog and click the paypal button in the sidebar to donate.
I’m completely in love with my oils and want you to discover their power for your health. I’ve got an awesome November giveaway so now is a great time to sign up! I’m offering November Freebies for signing up as a wholesale buyer with a premium starter kit. When you sign up with me (1443424) you will receive a free Essential Oils Pocket Reference Guide (invaluable when learning what the oils are recommended for), a pdf ebook with 12 amazing recipes using the oils that make perfect holiday gifts, and a free bottle of Lime oil, one of my very favorites for diffusing and for drinking in water and tea. If you’d like to read more about why I love them and how I use them, click here and follow me on Instagram! If you’re ready to place your order, click here! I’ll send you an email in the next few days to make sure your address is correct and then get your goodies out to you. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery!
And last but not least, I wrote a guest post for our school’s blog on Redeeming the Morning Commute. Here’s the first paragraph with a link to the whole post….
It started before we ever got in the car. She couldn’t find her jacket or her permission slip and her socks were all dirty. I never made it to the grocery store and the breakfast choices were slim to none. It was Monday and we were running late, to make matters worse. I was irritated with her shortcomings and she was irritated with mine. So there we sat silent, each avoiding eye contact with the other, each wishing the ride to school were shorter. I wheeled through the fog into the convenience store so she could get a nice healthy breakfast like pop-tarts or powdered donuts and she balked, saying she didn’t have time to stop. Great. Now, I would have to feel guilty that she didn’t eat. I made an angry u-turn and an equally angry sigh. Read the rest here.
Coming soon……
Swedish Meatball Soup and all things Thanksgiving!
Hey Edie!
I love using EO’s! Just curious as to why, with your medical background, you chose that particular brand of oil? No agenda here, I just really respect your opinion on most everything and was curious. Thanks so much!
BTW, your blog has fed me in so many different ways over the years. xoxo
OOPs, your site isn’t allowing me access to the BLOG you wrote for your child’s school. Would love to read it and will check back. Looking forward to the book too!
Edie, thank you for sharing so candidly on your blog. The link to your article for your girls’ school didn’t work. I would love to finish it.
Edie, just got my oils yesterday. I put Joy in the diffuser. Wonderful. I have been feeling a little down recently and within minutes I could feel a shift in my psyche. Looking forward to adding them to my routine. Thanks for getting me started.
Hi Edie, I ordered my oils yesterday. Can’t wait to get them. I have been using oils in a limited way such as making my own cleaning solution, but have been wanting to further use them. Thanks for for the encouragement and springboard! Love your blog…
Well, that sounds familiar. So many mornings at our house follow this same script. My baby girl got her drivers license yesterday. And I just realized while reading this that there will be no more morning commutes to school. So, now I’m tearing up a bit…. Much thanks to you for spending time with me. You feed my soul often.
Swedish Meatball Soup! Bring it on!
Thank you for sharing Redeeming the Morning Commute. Gods words ARE so much better than ours. In the past there were so many time when I could not pray, did not know how to pray. The Lutheran Church (and you) have helped me realize that Jesus did give us the perfect prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is simply powerful.
Can you recommend a place to stay on Sanibel? Its one of the places I dearly would love to visit.
Thank you.
very good
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