It’s no secret. We’re BIG fans of IssuesEtc. BIG fans. Our children hum the ‘bump’ music as they play, ‘Todd’ and ‘Jeff’ are household names that need no further clarification. And if we’re talking about Steve’s brother ‘Jeff’, we say ‘BrotherJeff’, so as not to confuse him with our friend, ‘Jeff’ Schwarz. (A big thank-you to BrotherJeff, by the way, for introducing us to Issues). We’re warming up to Craig (the newest addition to the crew), but I don’t think the children would recognize Craig in a line-up yet. They could pick out Todd and Jeff in a heartbeat, especially by ‘voice’ recognition. They speak as fondly of them as they do their own uncles. Keep up the good work though Craig, they’ll come around. And if we weren’t such blasted procrastinators, we’d probably be on a plane to St. Louis by now to celebrate with our friends in person. But here we sit. Stevie in his Issues t-shirt and I with my mug, thinking back to all the great theological, political, and current ‘issues’ we’ve pondered over the past three years. Most of all, I think, Issues has taught us, from the scriptures, the depth of our depravity. We’ve learned one thing for sure. We have ‘issues’. And lots of ’em.

and parenting by grace…….

…..even our marriage has been strengthened to the point that we staged a small ceremony on Sunday to renew our vows and do the traditional wedding toast…..Issues style.

We are so thankful for their faithfulness to the gospel and for the tremendous resource they have been to us in our discipleship and catechesis. They’re funny and smart and so down-to-earth. This is christian radio like you’ve never heard it. This is christian radio that men will listen to and learn from. This is christian radio that is rough around the edges and authentic. This is christian radio that you can be proud of. You will be challenged, inspired, possibly offended, encouraged, and instructed in the faith.
If you’re not subscribing, do it today, on their one year anniversary of producing their own show. I’ll be listening live today, from 4-6, from my computer, by clicking the ‘listen now’ button on their website. Join us in supporting men who proclaim Christ, and Him crucified!
They sound really fabulous. I will have to check them out. Like you mentioned, most programming seems to be very individual-focused instead of God-focused, and I could use a break from that!
As a Baptist, I may have certain theological differences, but I have learned that I have a lot more in common with Confessional Lutherans than many other denominations.
Issues sounds great! I love your vlog! The girls are so cute!!!
I have seen it on your blog and heard (read) you mention it before, but today you have thouroughly convinced me to go have a listen.
Amen sister! Once again I totally just say it so much better…
except for the lite beer. YUCK!!
i love the way you write, edie… sat here and chuckled at the image of steve sending a handshake and a bear! 🙂 happy anniversary to your guys!
Thanks to the girls (and dog) and both of you for the post and the well-wishes on our anniversary. Wish you could have been here.
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