November Goodies
This is my November gift to you—a free download of my ebook on Hospitality. I hope it inspires and encourages you this week as you gather with your people for Thanksgiving. Mucho love to you!!
—-for the pdf download here
—-for the digital (epub) version download here.
The pdf link will automatically open onto your computer’s browser.
To access the digital file, download the epub file to your computer’s desktop. Open iTunes and click on the ‘Books’ tab. Click and drag the epub version of the book into the ‘Books’ section of iTunes. Plug your mobile device into your computer and sync the book with your device.
If you have trouble with this step, email me at ediewadsworth(at)mac(dot)com. I can make a short tutorial if necessary! Or, if you’re like me, go find your 12 year old and they’ll do it for you 🙂
A Litany of Thanksgiving by Bill Cwirla
(we print multiple copies of this and assign the kids to read the Pastor’s portion (P) and then we all chime in with “We give you thanks, O Lord.”)
P: Holy and most gracious Father in heaven, your mercies shower down upon us new each and every day, without any merit or worthiness on our part; and so we pause this day to render thanks and praise to You for the vast abundance of your gifts:
For Your holy Church and holy ministry, for the preaching of the good news of Jesus Christ, for the regenerating and renewing washing of Holy Baptism, for the Supper of our Savior’s body and blood, for His absolving words of forgiveness,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For the Holy Spirit and your holy Word, for steadfast faith in Christ, for the full pardon for our sins, for the freedom of life in the kingdom of Your Son, for the promised inheritance of eternal life,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For the gift of salvation; for Christ’s incarnation, His perfect obedience under the Law, His sacrificial suffering and death, His resurrection and ascension to the right hand of Majesty, and for His gracious reign over all things for our justification and eternal blessing,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For the wondrous gifts of creation, for the beauty of earth and sky, mountains and sea, for rain and sunshine in their season, for the harvest of the land, for farmers who tend the soil; for seed to the sower, daily bread on our tables, for wine that gladdens our hearts, for meat and grain, and for all the lavish richness of your bounteous table,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For our bodies and souls, eyes, ears, and all our members, our reason and our senses, and for continual provision and protection,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For clothing and shoes, food and drink, house and home, husband, wife, children, land, animals and all the riches of your generous hand that support this body and life of ours,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For defending us from all danger, guarding and protecting us from all evil, for the gifts of government, for the freedoms of worship and speech and assembly, for soldiers who bear the sword to defend us, for policemen, firemen, and emergency workers, for doctors and dentists, nurses and hygienists, for those who care for the poor, the dying, the aging, the homeless, the hurting and the helpless.
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For home and family, for parents and children, for the company of friends and family, for congregation and community, and for all with whom we share the joys and sorrows of this life anticipating with joy the life that is to come,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For artists and musicians, writers and poets, for craftsmen and builders, for those who shape wood and metal and fabric and clay, for the beauty of text and tune, color and light, and for all who adorn our lives with laughter, song, and beauty,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For teachers and schools and all places of learning, for laborers and mechanics, for those who plan and those who build, for scientists and researchers, for engineers and architects,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: For every good and perfect gift which comes down from above, which You daily and richly provide us purely out of fatherly goodness and mercy without any merit or worthiness on our part,
C: We give you thanks, O Lord.
P: Thanksgiving, honor, praise, majesty, dominion, power and glory be to You, O Father, through your Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.